
Applications Menu Missing

Today, I was experimenting with my Ubuntu, when I noticed that my Applications menu in my panel had no contents, only Places and System. I did a little search and found a solution in the Ubuntu forums. To restore it back, issue the folllowing commands in the terminal.

rm /home/[yourUsername]/.config/menus/applications.menu

This will remove your current configuration, and reset a new config. After that, your Applications menu should be restored back to default.


Installing OpenOffice 3.1 in Ubuntu/Debian

OpenOffice 3.1 has been released with some cool features that we so long waited. The way to install it, is pretty much the same when you installed OpenOffice 3.0. So to start, I have Ubuntu 9.04 as my OS, other debian-based OSs and Ubuntu derivatives are applicable too.

1. Uninstall your previous version.
sudo apt-get remove --purge openoffice.org-*

rm -rf /home/[yourUsername]/.openoffice.org

2. Of course, download OpenOffice 3.1 first (in my case 'OOo_3.1.0_LinuxIntel_install_en-US_deb.tar.gz').
Download Link

3. Next, launch the terminal and extract the package.
tar -xvzf OOo_3.1.0_LinuxIntel_install_en-US_deb.tar.gz

4. Now, enter to its directory by issuing the following commands.
cd OOO310_m11_native_packed-4_en-US.9399/DEBS/

5. Install all the packages inside.
sudo dpkg -i *.deb

6. Next, install the shortcuts.
cd desktop-integration

sudo dpkg -i *.deb

7. Now you should have OpenOffice ready in your menu.

These are the steps I made for me to complete my installation without conflict. Of course there are other methods like from the repository, but yesterday when I installed mine, the update was still not uploaded. Also, you may notice that the splash screen is still on OpenOffice 3.0, its normal, maybe the just forgot to change it.